Pluma (Demeter)


Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2022
Medium: Watercolor and ink on archival watercolor paper
Size: 35 x 50 cm / 14 x 19.5 in unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2022
Medium: Watercolor and ink on archival watercolor paper
Size: 35 x 50 cm / 14 x 19.5 in unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2022
Medium: Watercolor and ink on archival watercolor paper
Size: 35 x 50 cm / 14 x 19.5 in unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Archetypical figures are universal, shared, hereditary stages of our life paths. Archetypical figures exist within every religious, mythical, folklore, fictional story and help us understand the flow. I see them as guides, helping us strengthen and fly.



The Innocent

I made this piece when I felt very content and light-hearted. When I researched the symbolism and beliefs based around feathers, I found out that the feather was associated with the heart in ancient Egypt. They believed that after one died, their hearts were weighed against the feathers of Maat (the Goddess of truth, justice, and cosmic order). To us, a feather means more than the lightness of the heart. Feathers belong to birds, and we, as humans, cannot fly at our heart’s will. Lucifer Morningstar was stripped of his wings and banished from heaven to hell. So I wanted to say, I am at my most free self when I feel light in my heart like a feather.


Altin Tatli (Golden Sweet) is an artist living and creating in Istanbul,Turkey. Altın’s multi-disciplinary practice explores the possibilities of an intergalactical and interdimensional language of art. As a maximalist artist, they use many forms of art to include us in their universe.

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