

Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2021
Medium: Watercolor and ink on archival watercolor paper
Size: 50 x 70 cm / 19.5 x 27.5 in unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2021
Medium: Watercolor and ink on archival watercolor paper
Size: 50 x 70 cm / 19.5 x 27.5 in unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2021
Medium: Watercolor and ink on archival watercolor paper
Size: 50 x 70 cm / 19.5 x 27.5 in unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Archetypical figures are universal, shared, hereditary stages of our life paths. Archetypical figures exist within every religious, mythical, folklore, fictional story and help us understand the flow. I see them as guides, helping us strengthen and fly.



The Lover

“Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking.”

– Carl Gustav Jung

The God of love, Eros, was sent by Aphrodite to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest creature. Aphrodite was jealous of Psyche’s beauty, as she represented the real beauty, the beauty of the soul. Little did Aphrodite know, Eros fell in love with Psyche and they got married into a strange relationship. Psyche had to accept her husband as he is and never see his face in the light. She welcomes her husband, Eros, every night until one day, her siblings inflict doubt in her heart. They make her suspect that her husband is a winged serpent. So, with fear in her heart, she waits one night for her husband to fall asleep and looks at him with a lamp. Seeing the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life, she drips the lamp’s oil onto Eros’ shoulder by accident. He leaves without a word because "Love cannot live where there is no trust." After some time, Eros and Psyche got back together. Now, love and the soul are united as it is the most ideal union of all.

I painted Eros without Psyche, because I felt like painting the most beautiful soul in the world is another quest. Afterall, a lover is the mirror of the other.


Altin Tatli (Golden Sweet) is an artist living and creating in Istanbul,Turkey. Altın’s multi-disciplinary practice explores the possibilities of an intergalactical and interdimensional language of art. As a maximalist artist, they use many forms of art to include us in their universe.

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