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Artist: Altin Tatli
Title: Orpheus
Year: 2019
Medium: Watercolor and color pencil on archival watercolor paper
Size: 20 x 27.5 in. / 50 x 70 cm.
Frame: Unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Title: Orpheus
Year: 2019
Medium: Watercolor and color pencil on archival watercolor paper
Size: 20 x 27.5 in. / 50 x 70 cm.
Frame: Unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Title: Orpheus
Year: 2019
Medium: Watercolor and color pencil on archival watercolor paper
Size: 20 x 27.5 in. / 50 x 70 cm.
Frame: Unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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The Archetypes Series

Universal, shared, hereditary stages of our life paths. Archetypes exist within every religious, mythical, folklore, fictional story and help us understand the flow. I see them as guides, helping us strengthen and fly.


The Seeker

How sad does one need to be to be the greatest artist? Can one still be a good artist without suffering?

The most talented musician of all time, Orpheus, loses his beloved wife. Going to the end of the world to retrieve his wife, Orpheus challenges Hades. After completing and battling all the tasks, he has one more thing to do; not look back at his wife while walking out into the world of living. Out of worry, he looks back and loses his wife, Eurydice, this time forever. Afterwards, he was ripped into pieces for refusing to honor Dionysus. 

I did suffer a lot too, because being an artist means to question everything. Existential crisis is a side effect of being an artist. But, one must ride through the hardship with the belief of progress. One must not look behind and weep. One must look up and forward and make the pain be the Talaria (winged sandals).


Altın Tatlı (Golden Sweet) is an artist living and creating in Istanbul,Turkey. Altın’s multi-disciplinary practice explores the possibilities of an intergalactical and interdimensional language of art. As a maximalist artist, they use many forms of art to include us in their universe.

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