For visionary leaders ready to turn “wouldn’t it be cool if…” ideas into signed, sealed, delivered brands.

Are you in?


The Brand Whisperer is your strategic roadmap guiding your brand towards intentional, focused, and confident growth.

In today’s fast-paced market, even the most brilliant brands can lose sight of their Northstar. That’s where The Brand Whisperer steps in.

Facilitated by creative strategist Olivia Ives-Flores, this workshop series dives deep into your brand's vision, equipping you with the tools to reignite your direction and galvanize your team. Leaving the competition in the rearview.

Our Strategy Workshop is Perfect For You If…

You’re Seeking Clarity & Focus

You’re a visionary leader who needs a clear, actionable plan to bring your brand’s purpose and potential into focus.

Your Brand Feels Stuck

Your brand has lost its momentum, and you’re ready to reignite its energy and direction with a comprehensive, strategic overhaul.

Your Team has Lost the Plot

You sense that your team is out of sync, and you’re ready to unite everyone around a shared brand vision and strategy.

You’re Preparing for Growth

Your business is on the cusp of scaling, and you need a brand strategy that’s robust enough to support your expansion.

You’re Ready for a Fresh Perspective

You’ve been operating in an echo chamber, and you’re looking for an informed, outside perspective to challenge assumptions and inspire new thinking.

You’re Focused on Long-Term Impact

You’re not just thinking about the next quarter—you’re committed to building a brand that stands the test of time and leaves a lasting legacy.


Big agency impact, minus the price tag and endless back-and-forth—just savvy, strategic work that’s as fun as it is effective.

Session 1/ Purpose

Defining Your Brand’s Core Mission and Vision

In this session, we’ll dive deep into the foundational elements of your brand’s purpose. We’ll explore what drives your organization, what impact you want to make, and how to articulate your mission and vision in a way that resonates with both your team and your audience. By the end, you’ll have a clear, compelling purpose that guides all brand decisions.


  • A clearly articulated brand mission statement.

  • A refined vision statement that captures your long-term goals.

  • A purpose-driven framework to guide decision-making across the organization.

  • A Purpose Alignment Checklist to ensure all future strategies align with your core purpose.

Session 2/ People

Understanding and Aligning with Your Audience

Knowing your audience is crucial to any successful brand strategy. In this session, we’ll identify your key stakeholders, define your ideal customer profiles, and explore their needs, desires, and pain points. We’ll also work on aligning your brand with these audiences to build stronger, more meaningful connections.


  • Detailed profiles of your key audience segments, including needs, desires, and pain points.

  • A stakeholder map identifying internal and external audiences.

  • An Audience Alignment Strategy to ensure your brand resonates with and serves your key stakeholders.

  • A Customer Journey Map outlining how your audience interacts with your brand.

Session 3/ Positioning

Carving Out Your Unique Space in the Market

In this session, we’ll focus on positioning your brand within the market. We’ll analyze your competitors, identify your unique value proposition, and determine how to differentiate your brand effectively. The goal is to ensure your brand stands out, resonates with your target audience, and is positioned for long-term success.


  • A competitive analysis report highlighting key differentiators between your brand and competitors.

  • A Unique Value Proposition (UVP) that clearly defines what sets your brand apart.

  • A Positioning Statement that succinctly communicates your brand’s market position.

  • A Market Positioning Matrix to visualize where your brand fits within the competitive landscape.

Session 4/ Personality

Crafting Your Brand’s Voice and Visual Identity

Your brand’s personality is what makes it memorable and relatable. In this final session, we’ll define the tone, style, and visual elements that reflect your brand’s character. We’ll create guidelines for your brand’s voice and identity that will be consistent across all touchpoints, ensuring a cohesive and authentic brand experience.


  • A Brand Voice Guide outlining your brand’s tone, language, and communication style.

  • A Visual Identity Mood Board to inspire and guide your brand’s aesthetic.

  • Key messaging templates for consistent communication across all platforms.

  • A Brand Personality Profile that defines the character traits and values your brand embodies.

What’s Included?

Interactive Strategy Workshops

Four 2-hour sessions that immerse your team in brand strategy, enabling immediate application and alignment.

Comprehensive Strategy Playbook

Get a detailed playbook to guide your website’s content, ensuring every element aligns with your brand’s objectives.

Custom Brand Visioning Workbook

A personalized workbook with exercises and assignments to reinforce your brand’s vision and strategy.

Messaging Framework

The essential toolkit for your brand’s voice, including value proposition, tagline, mission, and elevator pitch.

Brand HQ

Shared drive housing all notes, workbooks, transcripts, and recordings—everything you need, all in one place.

Text & Email Support

For those “aha!” and “huh?” moments between sessions, I’m just a message away.

Strategy & Accountability

A roadmap for success with built-in accountability to ensure your team stays on track.

Brand Style Cheat Sheet

A quick-reference guide to maintain your brand’s visual and verbal style across all platforms.


Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…


“The brand workshops we did together gave me so much clarity around my unique gifts

and how I can share more vibrantly with more people in my work and life.


“Just an amazing and transformative process.

We not only have a beautiful, consistent aesthetic, but more importantly, a team that feels empowered through the brand-building process. We're now ready to show our baby to the world and watch it grow.


“Your insight and new ideas on how the collection can inspire contemporary practice is compelling knowledge for us to engage and expand our audiences.”


“The depth of brand clarity we have was our guiding light during a hectic launch.

The foundation of The B-Side is in a very strong place because of you and we're excited to refine and evolve over time! We’ve seen consistent growth and massive conversion because we intimately know our audience and the unique realness factors that differentiate us in a crowded creator market.


Creating impact and thriving in your business just got easier.

The best part is, you don’t have to do it alone!

Book Your Free Discovery Call

Schedule a 30-minute discovery call to discuss your brand’s challenges and goals. This call is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and determine if The Brand Whisperer workshop is the right fit for your needs.

Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s

Once we’ve had our intro call and confirmed that we’re a good match, you’ll secure your spot in the workshop. We’ll finalize the details, including the schedule, deliverables, and any strategic add-ons you may need.

Start Your Transformation

We’ll kick off the workshop with your first session, diving deep into the 4 P’s of brand strategy. Throughout the process, you’ll receive personalized guidance, support, and resources to ensure your brand reaches its full potential.


Here’s the high-level, but if you need more info feel free to ask! That’s what we’re here for 😉

    • Four 2-Hour Interactive Brand Visioning Workshops

    • Comprehensive Strategy Playbook

    • 30+ Page Brand Book

    • Messaging Framework

    • Custom Brand Visioning Workbook

    • Brand HQ (Shared Drive With All Session Materials)

    • Ongoing Text & Email Support

    • Strategic Goal Setting & Accountability

    • Brand Style Cheat Sheet

  • The workshop consists of 4 sessions, with the option to complete one or two sessions per week. We also allow 1-2 weeks for reflection and implementation, including the creation of your Brand Book. The total time commitment ranges between 4-6 weeks.

    Trust us - this is deep and cathartic branding work. The more time you can dedicate to your brand the better.

  • Pricing is available upon application. The investment reflects the high-touch, tailored nature of the workshop, designed to deliver lasting impact and clarity for your brand.

    Pricing is adjusted for solo-founders or larger teams with multiple stakeholders.

  • Enhance your experience with additional services such as :

    • Personalized Follow-Up Sessions

    • Team Training Workshops

    • Extended Brand Strategy Consultations

    • Customer & Client Interviews

    • In-Person Sessions

  • Our commitment to your success doesn't stop at the first strategy workshop. We offer customized ongoing support to ensure that you're equipped to implement your brand strategy effectively. Ask about :

    • Content Lab - to refine your messaging, strategize your marketing efforts

    • Activation Strategy workshop - where we help you conceptualize and plan brand activations and programming.


Stimulated curiosity, contagious team spirit, enlarged profits, and invigorated creativity.