Birth of Venus


Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2016
Medium: Ink on archival paper
Size: 50 x 100 cm / 19.5 x 39 in. unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2016
Medium: Ink on archival paper
Size: 50 x 100 cm / 19.5 x 39 in. unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2016
Medium: Ink on archival paper
Size: 50 x 100 cm / 19.5 x 39 in. unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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The Psyche Series

The ingredients of the human psyche are the ego, personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Ego is our self-aware side. It is part of us that we are conscious of. The personal unconscious is like a museum of memories. They are archived and secured. The collective unconscious on the other hand is what we collectively share as human beings. A space of unseen links similar to that of the mycelium built through genetic inheritance.


The Collective Unconscious

The Goddess of love and beauty, Venus, represents the emotional connections we have with others and our capacity for love. We may not have everyone to love us, but we can surround ourselves with people that love us for who we are and bring out the best in us.

Upon my homecoming in 2015, I got to meet with Qubra. Back then, I was young, inexperienced, insecure and confused. I was interviewing them for a zine and I remember asking them; "Do you fear going out? Does it make you feel bad when people say or do homophobic or transphobic things? " And they told me that they absolutely feel no fear, adore any form of attention, and even if it's negative, they take those comments and turn them into energy. Like an Amazon, they are fierce, beautiful, and indestructible.

In Turkey, LGBTQ+ people are censored. Our existence is wiped away on films, TV series, news, and books. On February 3rd, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated, "There is no such thing as LGBT." Meanwhile, in heteronormative relationships, where physical and sexual abuse against women is normalized and even glorified in the media, soap operas, and movies in Turkey; violence against LGBTQ+ people rarely make it to the news, and police investigations are frequently postponed.

Just like the floating trash in our oceans, the toxicity within our society is obvious, neglected, and left to sink deep into our subconscious.


Altin Tatli (Golden Sweet) is an artist living and creating in Istanbul,Turkey. Altın’s multi-disciplinary practice explores the possibilities of an intergalactical and interdimensional language of art. As a maximalist artist, they use many forms of art to include us in their universe.

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