Welcome to Genius Zone Express—your fast track to brand clarity

In this 60-minute one-on-one call with founder Olivia Ives-Flores, we’ll tackle your brand’s challenges head-on. With Olivia’s entrepreneurial expertise and strategic insight, you’ll tap into your genius zone, refine your story, and leave with actionable steps to propel your brand forward.


Keeping up with “all the things” can be overwhelming. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone.

Your audience, market trends, technologies—and even you—are constantly evolving. Our Genius Zone Express sessions are designed to help you cut through the noise, focus on what matters, so you can stay in your genius zone.

In just 60 minutes, we’ll tackle your specific challenges—whether it’s auditing your website, refining your brand messaging, navigating business complexities, or strategizing your next big move. Skip the small talk and get tailored, no-fluff advice so you can move forward with confidence.


A Genius Zone Session is Perfect For You If…

You’re Looking to Launch

Whether you’re launching a new brand or pivoting your current one, you need clear, actionable steps to move forward. This session will help you define your direction and set you on the path to success.

You Know It’s Time for Change

If your brand feels stuck or outdated, but you’re unsure how to revitalize it, this session will provide you with fresh perspectives and practical strategies to re-energize your brand.

You’re Ready to Innovate

You’re ready to explore new ideas and opportunities, but you need guidance on how to implement them effectively. This session will help you identify growth areas and develop a plan to move forward with confidence.

Availability: Tuesday - Thursday 1-4pm EST

On-going packages available after the initial call

How It Works

01 / Call Prep

Before our session, you’ll fill out a brief questionnaire with 1 to 3 key topics you want to focus on. This helps us hit the ground running and make the most of our time together.

02 / Our Chat

At your scheduled time, we’ll dive straight into your challenges. For 60 minutes, it’s all about you—ask questions, brainstorm solutions, and get expert advice. Don’t worry about missing anything; the call will be recorded so you can revisit it anytime.

03 / Follow Up

After the session, you’ll receive a 1 to 2-page summary packed with fresh insights, tailored recommendations, and action items. You’ll leave with a clear path forward, ready to tackle your next steps with confidence.

Wondering What We Can Talk About?

Here are a few topics & questions to spark your curiosity:

Brand Positioning
& Visual Identity

"How can I sharpen my brand’s message to better resonate with my ideal audience?"

"Can you review my website and suggest improvements?"

"I want my brand to reflect my personality - how do I do that?"

Business Strategy
& Vision

"I’m totally overwhelmed and don’t know where to focus. Can we refine my business strategy?"

"I'm unsure about the next steps for scaling my business—can you offer some guidance?"

"How do I pivot my business while maintaining brand integrity?"

Creative Direction
& Storytelling

"I want to craft a new story for my brand—where should I start?"

"Can you review my content and suggest ways to make it more engaging?"

"How do I align my creative direction with my brand’s core message?"

Marketing & Growth Opportunities

"I have an opportunity — but I’m not sure if it’s the right choice. Can you help me decide?"

"Can you help me brainstorm marketing strategies?"

"What are some ways to boost my brand’s visibility?"

Align your Higher Purpose with Higher Profits

At the heart of the Genius Zone Express is the art of working in your sweet spot. Your business happy place. Where the thing you love doing thrives in service to the people you love to work with. 

Availability: Tuesday - Thursday 1-4pm EST

On-going packages available after the initial call