Nous Sommes, Donc Nous Pensons

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2019
Medium: Watercolor and color pencil on archival watercolor paper
Size: 14 x 20 in. / 35 cm x 50 cm
Frame: Unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2019
Medium: Watercolor and color pencil on archival watercolor paper
Size: 14 x 20 in. / 35 cm x 50 cm
Frame: Unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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Artist: Altin Tatli
Year: 2019
Medium: Watercolor and color pencil on archival watercolor paper
Size: 14 x 20 in. / 35 cm x 50 cm
Frame: Unframed
Edition: One of a kind

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The Psyche Series

The ingredients of the human psyche are the ego, personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Ego is our self-aware side. It is part of us that we are conscious of. The personal unconscious is like a museum of memories. They are archived and secured. The collective unconscious on the other hand is what we collectively share as human beings. A space of unseen links similar to that of the mycelium built through genetic inheritance.


Nous Sommes, Donc Nous Pensons

Descartes once said, "Je pense, donc je suis" (I think, therefore I am), philosophically proving the idea that if you are capable of thinking, if any form of thought exists in your mind, then you exist.

We adopted an abandoned kitten with my ex-partner Rutkay, and spending so much time with Mimo in our tiny apartment, observing her every move, made us realize how special this creature is. One day, Rutkay was taking a selfie with an effect. Looking into the camera, Mimo saw the flying heart arrows on the phone and looked behind her super fast to see if they were behind her. On many occasions, I recognized her understanding me, finding objects I was looking for and attacking people with bad intentions. So our relationship with Mimo has helped us understand that every being that exists has consciousness and can think. Therefore, we can say, "We exist, therefore we think."


Altin Tatli (Golden Sweet) is an artist living and creating in Istanbul,Turkey. Altın’s multi-disciplinary practice explores the possibilities of an intergalactical and interdimensional language of art. As a maximalist artist, they use many forms of art to include us in their universe.

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