“A business can be the prototype for the world you want to live in.”



Ever wonder what would happen if a creative agency and an art advisory had a baby?
– Hi! We’re OH! Art Agency. Nice to meet you. 

It’s so crazy to think that ten years ago the idea to launch an art agency was just starting to percolate in my mind. For the record, an “art agency” wasn’t really a thing - but I figured it could be!

I was 23 and I had a vision for the world I wanted to live in - one where advertising was a source for culture and brands were a force for good. And in the middle of all that, there was art and a whole lot of creativity.

Driven by curiosity, I set out on my quest with a few key questions in mind:

  • What if a creative agency and an art advisory had a baby?

  • Can a business be a playground for art, design and storytelling?

  • What would society look like, if we put creators in the center of the conversation, and not just on the fringe or solely for elite circles?


So, I followed that spark and grew that agency. Ten years in, OH! Art Agency has grown, but our values have stayed the same. Through the lens of culture, we help visionary leaders, global companies, institutions tap into their unique story to activate their values, and build culturally relevant brands that bring their people together!

OK. I know you might be thinking…“Well that’s a nice story Olivia…Birthday-smurf-day. So what!”

Well, hear me out. The world has changed A LOT in the last 10 years and we're now at the beginning of a creative revolution. Thanks to disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, media platforms and production tools there has never been a better time to launch a new creative enterprise.

So if culture, commerce, and the future are your jam - stay tuned and tap in! This next decade is all about activating those super-powers. I’ll be sharing swings & misses, AI-tools, actionable insights and blueprints that my younger self would have backflipped for !!

(…Teaser! Does this sound like the beginning of an interactive online course for creative entrepreneurs coming next year? …Possibly 😉…)

🥂 So let's raise a toast to the last and the next decade to come. Thank you for being here for this ever-evolving journey called entrepreneurship life.





Olivia Ives-Flores

Olivia is an artist, curator and designer living and working in Boston & NYC. Blending artistic fluency with a passion for art, branding and design, she specializes in designing visual narratives, exhibition curation and building brands that bring people together around art in the physical and digital world. 

Friends like to call her Olive :)


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The Art of Activation